Sweet Christmas

22 Recettes

The perfect end to a Christmas feast, a sweet treat or sweet gift. It is not Christmas without a little sugar and spice.

Mini fruit cakes

Mini fruit cakes

25h 40min

Mini vegan fruit cakes

Mini vegan fruit cakes

25h 40min

Viennese whirl mince pies

Viennese whirl mince pies

1h 40min

Chocolate and strawberry domes

Chocolate and strawberry domes


German cinnamon stars (Zimtsterne)

German cinnamon stars (Zimtsterne)

1h 30min

Christmas mince pies

Christmas mince pies

1h 40min

Classic christmas fruit mince

Classic christmas fruit mince

1h 10min

Gluten free Viennesse whirl mince pies

Gluten free Viennesse whirl mince pies

1h 45min

Mini banoffee bombe Alaskas

Mini banoffee bombe Alaskas

24h 30min

Spiced Polish Christmas cake

Spiced Polish Christmas cake

99h 30min



34h 25min

Christmas tiramisu

Christmas tiramisu

24h 20min

White chocolate and strawberry trifle

White chocolate and strawberry trifle


Stained glass Christmas biscuits

Stained glass Christmas biscuits

4h 10min

Strawberry and meringue semifreddo

Strawberry and meringue semifreddo

12h 15min

Lime panna cotta with gin and finger lime granita

Lime panna cotta with gin and finger lime granita

24h 30min

Amaretto biscuits

Amaretto biscuits


Quick fruit cake

Quick fruit cake


Coconut almond "snowballs"

Coconut almond "snowballs"





Rocky road Christmas trees

Rocky road Christmas trees

24h 30min

Non-alcoholic Christmas punch

Non-alcoholic Christmas punch
